Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Wednesday September 12

Today we went to see the throat therapist and things went very well. Dad can now eat soft and puried foods. He can also drink liquids through a straw. Then we went to Dr. Sharma and were told that the path report came back from the liphnodes that were taken and there were ne signs of the cancer. So this is great news and means that he will only have to have radiation and not chemo. We are sad that he does have to have the radiation but we know that it is a safety precaution so the cancer will have a lesser chance of comming back. He is doing good. It was a looooonnnngggg ride home but we made it. Thank you for all of your love and support. Love Deidra


Anonymous said...

Marty, This is VERY good news that the cancer wasn't in the lymph nodes!!! Great that you don't need Chemo!!!! Great that you get to sip down some food. Did the stitches and the feeding tube get removed. Things are going along better than anticipated (a perspective from someone who isn't living the PAIN!) We love you. Hugs and prayers, SunDee

Anonymous said...

Steve called me the minute he hung up from talking with LaRee to tell me the GREAT news! I am telling you this MADE MY DAY! We are so very happy to hear the great news that came back from the reports. What I want to know Marty is how did that Coke taste? Or was it a Pepsi? Keep resting and getting better. We will talk with you soon! Love you tons! Terri and Steve

Anonymous said...

Marty, This is wonderful news. I bet it feels great to be able to eat even if it is soft food to start with. Keep up the GREAT work coz. Hope to see you very soon.

Love ya, Barbara Ann

Wetzel's said...

Marty that is awesome news today from your doctor appointments. No stitches, no feeding tube that's got to feel GREAT!!! I'm so glad to hear the news that there was no cancer found in the lymph nodes. I know the waiting for the result is so very hard.Keep up the good work!!! LaRee I hope you are doing better, thanks for taking such good care of Marty.
Love to all of you
Danton and Susan

Anonymous said...

That is so awesome that you are doing great Marty. I am so glad that you are now able to feel a little freer from the tubes and such. Keep Smiling and my prayers are with you. love always

Mandi said...

Deidra, it sounds like you are going to all the appointments with your dad, your such a good daughter to help out like that! Maybe I will see you next weekend. Lave ya! Glad your dad is doing good!