Monday, September 3, 2007

Blessed Sleep

Monday Morning, Labor Day
For once, Marty has Labor Day off this year!! WOW. I am so thrilled to report this Monday morning that Marty slept well last night. All his physical activity yesterday lent to resting well in the night. Of course he was awake for necessary treatment, but his overall night was great. I have not yet even spoke to him to hear his side of the story, but after setting with him for quite awhile (not making a peep), I see he is still in a deep much needed sleep . I decided NOW is the time to look at the blog and make a new comment. Thank you all who have sent your love and best wishes for him and all of us. I hope I'm not being delusional, but I really think he is ahead of the game. Dr. Sharma told us that about Wed , he would turn the corner and we would see a definite improvement. I think that already happened yesterday. Please.
I am so proud of his strengh and courage in facing all he has already faced and all that lies ahead. His strong, feisty, independant, determined (stubborn) personality is serving him well at this time.
I took the motel shuttle today to try that out. (You know me, always wanting to take advantage of all the amenities! ) No, I have not hot tubbed. I've left too early and got home too late......and it just seems so unimportant right now.
I best get back to my job as patient advocate. Love to all, LaRee (MOM) (Grandma Ree)


Anonymous said...

We've been checking in several times a day to hear of his progress. We were wondering if he has tried to empty a Pepsi into his feeding tube yet! If he hasn't, don't let him find out we asked or it might give him the idea.

We are all very glad things have turned out well. So far so good.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that Marty is getting the much needed rest that he needs to contuine to heal. I hope that while he is resting that you are also LaRee, you need the rest to be able to take care of Marty. You are always in our prayers and thoughts. Thanks for the up dates. You are doing a great job with the blog LaRee (and girls also).
Danton and Susan

Anonymous said...

It was good to read tonight that he got some rest last night. I think of him daily. Thank you for keeping us all posted on this blog site. I think I would go crazy if I wasnt able to come home and see how he is doing. My love to both of you.

Love, Barbara Ann

Anonymous said...

I'm trying this out one more time and hope I got it right after our phone call this morning. I'm sooooooooo glad to hear Marty is resting some and gaining strength.

Jeanne sends her love and thinks she should be there since she's one of his kids. I hope she can get through with at least a card. I will mail the stuff today in spite of Labor Day mail delay. Hope it gets to Angie by Wed. Lots of good information, I think.

thanks again for the blog
Love to all, WM

Anonymous said...

Hey everybody!! I am so happy to hear that g-pa slept last night!! yeah!!!! Rock on and PEACE OUT!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey G-Ma,
You figured out how to post on the blog! I'm so proud of you! I'm so happy that Grandpa's doing better, and I love you guys to pieces! Love,
Aly B.